Genesis 11:4, 12:1-3

God's purpose for us: to develop the hidden potential of creation in a way that honors Him

Sin had corrupted man's relationship with the Creator and His Creation

The Lord judges sin, shows Grace to Noah, and reaffirms His commitment to His Creation

Babel shows a corrupted view of Development

Technology is ever-changing but is often arises out of a perceived need for Self-Promotion, Comfort, and Security.

The Lord judges Babel and makes them fulfill the command of Genesis 9:7

The Lord chooses Abraham, like Noah, from "beyond the river" (Joshua 24:2)

Abraham is called to Obedience
- to give us security and autonomy
- the blessing of Obedience is exactly what Babel tried and failed to achieve for themselves:


what are some brands you can think of that capitalize on someone’s fame?
where do you see “self-promotion” in your world? what are the dangers of self-promotion?
how is the blessing promised to Abraham similar but different from what people in Babel were pursuing?
obedience came with a price for Abraham...what does obedience cost us today?
how have you been blessed by obedience?