
Mar 17, 2024    Marc

Standing in grace, leads to walking in freedom

admitting we are all in process but not giving the enemy a foothold or create comfortable mess with things that will lead you astray 

Luke 4:18 “set free those who are oppressed”

freedom is more than fireworks

a lot of people think freedom is doing whatever you want

is there ever a situation where you can do whatever you want?


under the constitution

under your parents authority


free from death and consequence of sin


but you still aren’t in charge

You are not good enough, powerful enough, strong enough wise enough

let God be God

humble yourself

freedom is slavery

  to a God who loves and cares

  away from an enemy who destroys

the writer of Psalm 199 got it:

Psalm 119:45

power to choose him

we still battle sin

   bitterness, control, anxiety, immorality, pride

Galatians 5:1

The enemy wants to take away our ministry and potential to impact others

there are battle lines, stronghold, difficult struggles

how do we battle for freedom?

freedom only comes in the nearness of Jesus

1)  Christ’s work

  Freedom only comes through nearness to Christ

  in God is light, John 1

  Light: illuminates and purifies

    Know the Truth then practice the truth

    Knowing about God vs Knowing God

2)   know what he has done

      in Christ, your slavery to sin has ended

      in Christ you are free to chose Him

         to walk in His ways

         to treat people with Grace

         to be different


     some of you have never tried it

    Hot Kool Aid

3)   stand firm > temptation to move, to fail, to shrink back, lose faith

John Newton

4)  understand what’s at stake

unforced error

the old ways remains - never dealt with

the old ways return - season of carelessness

the old ways have to be exposed and dealt with

there may be a day coming up when you really struggle with faith, I see stories

in these foundational years, missed opportunities to build good habits

the truth has to trickle down to our heart

sin grows and thrives on the darkness

the enemy wants you to hide

Romans 13:11-14