
Feb 25, 2024    Marc

Romans 5:1-2

embracing the Gospel at a point in time - receiving, recognizing, bow

embracing over time - walking in him

Justification by Faith - it’s done

Sanctification, walking over time, transformed

the exact moment: he is Lord and savior now

not born that way (psalm 51:5) not enough to be in a church, Christian home

have I put my faith in Christ alone?

John 3:16-19

condemned vs not condemned 

overthrow hearts

Save people from sin

Gospel begins with God and His love

  get this point right

  Small miss in the starting point has a huge impact 

  His grand scale; the creator

  heavens and earth, people with purpose

  every person we look at has value

  made for him

  why can’t you pick your own purpose, write your own story? you aren’t great enough! everything else will leave you empty

  something went wrong: bad news

  perish? because of sin

  active rebellion, thoughts and hearts

  what word do people use if they sin (mistake)?

  we know that isn’t strong enough

  sin recognizes the error was done in rebellion against God - against him

  Miss the mark of Gods perfection and as image bearers we misrepresent him 

  started w/ Adam and Eve - cover up, just blame others, no responsibility

   Exodus 34:6-7: there will be punishment

  His love doesn’t cancel out his righteousness

   doesn’t hide from sin or cover it up

   he confronts sin and destroys sin

   forgives sin; it doesn’t define our relationship

forgive and forget


I choose to not let that wrong define me or my relationship with others - it’s not forgetting, it’s remembering that Christ, not sin, not the hurt,is in control

Justified: it is finished

you were born again - that’s done

you moved from darkness to light

you were lost, now found

when you believed:

   are convinced of

   place confidence in

   are committed to

   know to be true

   entrust yourself to

“whoever believes IN HIM”

   Christ, and who He says he is:

   fully God, not less

     the enemy

   worthy of worship - sought first

   worth following - 

   set apart and Holy

   the example

   King and Lord, we submit to Him

maybe you struggle with that

   young believer: I want to know more, I fall short but I do believe, help my unbelief > sanctification

maturing believer, more like Christ - journey of Faith leads to deeper roots, fruitful ministry


   not believer: I don’t care; does my current attitude towards God represent my heart, if I’m honest


justification  itself is good news because of where it leads: hey your righteous, so what?  you get to have fellowship with Jesus

this is the Gospel: 

everlasting Life

   unreachable riches (Eph 3:8)

   Immeasurable riches 



no apathy > love the Light!