
Mar 24, 2024    Marc

Freedom is an Illusion

slave to sin or slave to righteousness

Street Art

why are you doing what you’re doing?

you are obeying something

   popular opinion

  subliminal messages

  marketing department

  make unhealthy things seem cool

    pushing products, chasing eyes and wallets


    pushing agendas


     pushing new norms

  your parents who love you

  a God who wants you to thrive

  you are shapeable

  if you aren’t alert, awake, you will get dragged away

  Luke 21:34-36

 be on guard:

    you are in a battle

    guard against something specific

      Jon the shooter

    eternity in mind - limited time

      your future is coming quickly

    purpose now

    be attentive

      in prayer for strength

      in prayer for resolve (commitment)


    stand in his presence: with confidence

      without regret