
Oct 1, 2023    Marc

Ephesians 4:22-29

Paul is teaching about the result of being found in Christ.

When we find our identity in our union with Christ, we begin to align with His character.

Transformation happens as former things are laid aside (2 Cor 5:17)

Not merely external, but begins in the Heart

What would it look like to make vs 22-24 into a prayer:

"I want to lay aside the old self -

it is corrupted and I am being lied to.

Lord, I want to be transformed, renewed, made new.

My mind is the battleground and I need to engage.

I need you to help me value righteousness, holiness and truth."

There is a contrast so that we can clearly see the two paths:

that of walking in the Flesh and walking in the Spirit

Paul gives 4 examples of areas to pay attention to.

We should expect to see transformation here:

1) Truthfulness

2) Anger

3) Generosity

4) Speech