Unchanging Truth

Mar 5, 2023

Unchanging Truth

John 18:36-38a

What is Truth?


truth is not found in the physical

truth existed before creation

Jesus was not afraid because he knew the truth

  this world is not the end

his Kingdom is different

what makes you consider the spiritual part of your life?

Matthew 4:17

Matthew 6:25-33

1 what are the things most people your age spend time worrying about? 2 what determines what you place a priority on in your life?


the Influence of God over the normal everyday moments of life. It is the result of recognizing Jesus’ rightful place as King


1 Don’t be ANXIOUS

2 Trust your FATHER

3 Seek the KINGDOM

* SHIFT past the normal pursuits of life and JOIN Jesus as He establishes His Kingdom in our lives (increases its hold and dominance)

* God make every moment a Kingdom Moment

recognizing the rule and reign of Jesus

seeing the spiritual opportunities that exist in every moment

the point of 6:33 is not us being able to say “i spent enough time here so now I can move on to other things...its about saying there are no other things - the only thing is: Christ as the foundation