Chapter 6

1 Keller speaks of a “war” between science and religion. Do scientific advancements make religion unnecessary? What "science" challenges your faith?

2 Alister McGrath says that many of the unbelieving scientists he knows are atheists on other grounds than science. His atheist colleagues brought their assumptions about God to their science rather than basing them on their science (93). How does McGrath’s observation strike you?

3 Keller claims the skeptical inquirer does not need to accept any one of the positions regarding the meaning of Genesis 1 and the nature of evolution in order to embrace the Christian faith (97). Do you agree? How important is a position regarding evolution for your Christian faith?

4 Keller writes: “We modern people think of miracles as the suspension of the natural order, but Jesus meant them to be the restoration of the natural order” (99). What are some of your thoughts about this statement? What is the purpose of miracles?