Chapter 13

Read 1 Peter 1

What does the Resurrection tell us about God and what His plans are in light of this passage?
What big idea stands out to you (there are many)?

What are some current views of what happens after death that exist today? What have you heard people say? How does the afterlife come up in your culture or circles?

In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes: “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have died” (1 Cor 15:20). Why do think God only brought about the first fruits of the resurrection? What is the point of waiting so long for the last fruits? What is happening in the mean time?

Keller seems to think there are two options: A person can either reject the resurrection as a fictional myth or embrace the resurrection as a historical reality. Are there only two options? Why does the Resurrection (intentionally) create such conflict when honestly considered?

If you had the opportunity to talk to someone about the Resurrection, what would you want them to understand. How does the resurrection impact your everyday life as a believer?