The Bravery to Be


our identity in Christ; bravery to be you

God is, the I am, creator, powerful, capable
our God is bigger than our circumstances
He is a God of relationship and He was with them in the Old Testament but now He is in Us, awe are rescued and redeemed and when he is in us, He changes everything
We have a new identity in Christ

Who are you?
What is my purpose? Why am I alive?

we base our identity in outside external things
some people allow other people to shape the way they see themselves

God wants everyone to find their identity in Christ Jesus - to start there

1Thes 1:4
you are chosen (Jn. 15:16)
Gen 2:4-7
distinct difference in the way God created
formed not spoken, unique creation
Psalm 139:13-16
know that you are loved; you are known
John 1:12
His plan for us starts with redemption and God desire to pick you, save you, bring you in to relationship

What we believe about ourselves matters; you live the way you think; without a firm anchor we are easily confused - or else we are tossed around by insecurity and doubt; sin exposes the fact that we fall short, and *this culture fuels our insequerities as trying to keep up will trap you in a whirlwind of inadequacy

John 10:10; the enemy is here to deceive
Gal 3:26; children of God but faith
Gal 4:7; no longer a slave
John 15:11; complete joy
Eph 2:9; no longer outside
Rom 8:29; known
1 Peter 2:9; chosen people

If you know who you are you don’t have to impress people; *how much time is spent attention seeking? Knowing Jesus sets us free from this

Knowing that we are loved helps us put our focus on others rather than ourselves

1 Cor 13:8-13

What we see and understand is incomplete; we are moving that way but He knows fully and knows us fully - *He knows us the best and we need His help to bring these things to completion

He already knows - we can’t be fake; being fake deceives us not Him

Back to Psalm 139
What does each verse tell us about ourselves and about God?

Yes we fall short but God loves us faults and all
James 5:16: reminds us of forgiveness

Hebrews 12:1-2
daily, *steady dependence

His ways are better and we can trust Him

We must look different and not be ashamed about it (Romans 5:5)
To be in Christ is to increasing look less like the world and more like Him

Small Group Questions:
Discussion Questions:
1. How do you describe yourself? What defines you? What is your purpose? What are you living for?
2. Are you anchored to the truth of who you are, a chosen child of God? What lies has the enemy planted, insecurities or doubts are preventing you from believing who and Who's you are?
3. Are there influences or activities that you need to eliminate that contradict your identity in Christ? What are they? Are there things you need to do that will help your life line up more with who & who's you are?
4. What truth about being a chosen child of God encourages you? Why? (See list of suggestions below)
5. Which truth is hard for you to believe? Why?
**Suggestions: Fearfully and wonderfully made, known, chosen, seen, heard, forgiven, rescued, loved, child of God, holy, gifted, purposed, new, victorious?
Will you seek God & pray that you will increasingly understand who & who's you are?