
Journey Part II

PSALM 1:1-4

1. the world is not “nice”
- naive/ignorant of traps (lack of experience)
- sinful corruption of God’s good creation

2 pressure will cause CHANGE
- growth or defeat
- use the time now to PREPARE!

3 God is working to REDEEM (take something worthless and turn it into something VALUABLE)
- let’s make sure we don’t value things that are Rubbish
- Jeremiah 2:5
- Philippians 3:7-8

* the people we spend time with have a profound IMPACT on us…
sometimes this influence is obvious
sometime it is more deceptive (and dangerous)

* some relationships are healthy - some are harmful

Psalm 1 paints a picture of someone who:
ENJOYS the things of God and who is
ENGAGED and actively involved in their life
- open your eyes, evaluate your relationships, consider their influence, make changes
- ultimately their lives Prosper - even in an imperfect world