
The content of what God says when He speaks will revolve around Jesus in these two areas: the Life of Jesus lived out and the Mission of Jesus continued.

John 17:17-18

When God speaks, He will grow you in sanctification
When God speaks, He will empower the mission

Jesus emphasized the Mission He was giving His followers
Luke 24:46-48
John 20:21

*continue in His example
1) obedience to the Father
2) the message is authenticated by Godliness
3) the goal of the Mission is Reconciliation

- just as the Word teaches us how to be sanctified, the Word tells us the Message of the Gospel

Romans 10:17, 2 Corinthians 5:19
this is for you

Small Group Questions:
1 how do you know if someone has accepted the Mission Jesus left His followers? like what would you expect to see?

2 we are probably going to mess up, how can a believer not allow failure to taint the message we have to share?

3 what habits can help us to not lose credibility even in the face of our own shortcomings?

4 how do both words and actions work together in the life of someone who has accepted the mission? why is each one (words/actions) individually important?